Follow These Easy Oral Hygiene Tips for Better Oral Health

September is Self Improvement Month! Sometimes the simplest way to improve your dental health is by practicing better oral care at home. We’re sharing a few easy oral hygiene tips for you to remember, so you can take the right step for a healthier smile:

  • Brush twice a day for two minutes (watch the video below to improve your brushing techniques!)
  • Floss after every meal, or at least once a day
  • Cut back on sugar and sip water during the day
  • Choose a toothpaste with fluoride that has the ADA seal of approval
  • Don’t use your teeth as scissors

Sounds simple? It is! Also, don’t forget to schedule dental checkups every six months so you can get professional cleanings and exams.

To schedule an appointment in New Orleans, LA, call 7 O’Clock Dental at 504-266-0664 or ​​schedule online today!