Braces You Can’t See & Benefits You Can’t Ignore! [BLOG]

Even if you’ve had braces before, your teeth are never going to completely stop moving.

So as an adult, you may find that your teeth aren’t as straight as they once were.

Or, maybe you’ve had crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth your entire life.

Either way, it’s time to explore an alternative orthodontic solution!

Our team at 7 O’Clock Dental is telling you about ClearCorrect in New Orleans, LA and why adults love these braces that you can’t see with benefits you can’t ignore!

ClearCorrect Straightens Teeth The Easy Way!

Dr. Tripp can fix the problems with your teeth position and alignment with ClearCorrect, an innovative orthodontic system that uses nearly invisible aligners that fit over your teeth and moves them into place.

Here are several of the benefits of this treatment compared to traditional braces!

*No Hassle*

As you begin wearing ClearCorrect aligners, you’ll notice that life just sort of continues as usual, with no changes to your normal routine.

Caring for your teeth and gums is simple because you just take out the aligners to brush and floss. It’s quick and hassle-free, a much different experience than picking food out of your metal brackets and wires if you were wearing standard braces!

*No Scrapes & Sores*

Aligners are completely different in terms of the physical experience of orthodontic treatments.

Where brackets and wires bonded to your teeth can scrape or poke the soft inner tissues in your mouth, aligners are smooth plastic trays that fit over your teeth snugly that won’t leave your mouth full irritation and sores.

*No Restrictions*

If you were to choose traditional braces, there’d be certain foods and treats that would have to be off limits during the entirety of your treatment. Biting into a juicy apple or snacking on pretzels would pose new threats to your smile because they can damage your brackets and wires.

With ClearCorrect aligners, there are no restrictions because you just take them out when it’s time to eat!

*No More Hiding*

Once your treatment is complete, typically in about 12 months, you can finally feel secure about your smile. You’ll no longer waste a moment of your time stressing out about how to hide your teeth in social situations.

From that point, it’s just a matter of keeping up with your routine dental cleanings and exams with Dr. Tripp and our team to keep your straight smile healthy!

Schedule Your Consultation!

Get the straight, beautiful teeth you’ve always wanted without the hassles, discomfort, and restrictions of metal brackets and wires!

Find out if ClearCorrect is the easy orthodontic solution for your smile!

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tripp at 7 O’Clock Dental. Call our New Orleans, LA dental office at 504-266-0664 or fill out our online form to set up an appointment.